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Hardening the child’s body

Hardening consists of a series of actions or activities that aim to develop the resistance of the human body to the effects of the environment: cold, extreme heat, the possibility of catching a cold. The purpose of hardening is to increase the body’s ability to come to a balance with these external factors. The hardening process is connected with such human properties as reflexivity and conditionality.

The hardening of the child’s body is useful, since as a result of the hardening gradually functional changes occur inside the body. The unconditioned reflexes inherent in it are distorted into more perfect forms, the number of neurohumoral connections increases (new ones are formed), which leads to development of children’s body abilities to adapt easily and quickly to changing conditions of the environment.

Direct human connection with external factors is provided by the skin, which has an infinite number of nerve cells and endings. These nerve endings are constantly exposed to external stimuli such as:

  • Air temperature
  • Humidity
  • Water
  • Sun
  • Wind

Constant influence of these factors affects operation of the thermoregulation centers of the organism. The meaning of tempering is to train the body, to make the situation of irritation by external factors habitual for the thermoregulatory points.

Quenching is normally the interaction of the body with natural environmental factors, i.e. hardening of children’s body by air, sun and water. Time spent in the nature and outdoors activities, such as sports games, dancing, gymnastic exercises or simply exercising, plays an important role in the hardening process. But do not lose sight of the fact that the hardening must be strictly enforced specific rules, without which the process will be meaningless. One of these rules is that the hardening of the body should be continued until old age, and it is best to start in early childhood.

Another rule that is no less significant: the process must take place slowly, gradually. If a person is hardening with water, it is contraindicated to start immediately with an icy temperature. You should choose a comfortable degree of water, and then each time gradually reduce it by 1-2 degrees. Similarly, slowly and consistently, should increase the time of the procedure. Do not neglect to visit a specialist – before starting the process of hardening, you should consult a doctor about the chosen method and its implementation. Often a person is not suitable for all procedures due to the state of health. Children’s body should be treated with even greater caution and strictly follow the rules of hardening the children’s body.

In a professional, well-thought-out and constant hardening procedures using environmental factors together with frequent physical exercise and sports activities, the following transformations take place in the young body:

  • Improvement of the condition and functioning of the large hemisphere cortex, due to which there is an emotional and psychological improvement: the person becomes more stable, the volitional aspects of his character improve, excitatory functions and inhibition processes come into equilibrium. The child’s behavior becomes balanced and calm, and he or she becomes much more concentrated and attentive than before.
  • The nervous system, in particular its trophic function, improves. As a consequence of this an improvement in the metabolism and a deepening and stabilization of the respiratory process is noticed. The volume of air inhaled by the child increases by 30%, which has an excellent effect on the body’s oxidation processes. Improvements are also observed in blood circulation, the stroke volume of blood increases. The composition of blood cells is much better: the number of red blood cells increases, their content is renewed due to the emergence of new young cells. The percentage of hemoglobin in the blood also increases, the quality of blood supply to the brain improves.
  • The body’s immunity improves, making the person less susceptible to catching a cold, infection, or metabolic disease.
  • The amount of vitamin D, calcium produced increases, the effect of which leads to improved mineral absorption in the body (improved calcium, phosphorus metabolism). Improved mineral metabolism becomes the reason for a quick reaction of the nervous system, improvement of the muscles in the body and so on. The child’s bones become stronger, and the effects of rickets, if any, disappear. The child’s body develops fully and correctly, and the child has an even posture.