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Harm of soda

Many people have long known that carbonated beverages, especially sweet drinks, are very harmful to the body, in addition, scientists have confirmed that if you abuse such products, you can get problems for your body. If we compare the number of kilocalories contained in these drinks and in white bread, the latter, for a long time now, does not compete with the former, since even more sugar has been added to these drinks than before. We are going to talk about the harms of soda right now.

Carbonated beverages do not belong to the list of the most harmful products of our time for the body for nothing. One small bottle, one-third of a liter, contains about 15-16 p.c. of corn syrup, which is very high in fructose. The daily intake of sugar is three times less than that contained in this small bottle. This has been proven by the United States Heart Association.

The components of the syrup are fructose and glucose in about an equal ratio. However, after conducting many studies on American popular drinks, it became clear that the fructose portion of the syrup they contain is as high as 65 percent.

When you consume such a sweet product, your pancreas has a very difficult time because it has to produce an increased amount of insulin. This is the body’s natural response to the intake of carbohydrates. It turns out that the blood glucose level quickly and significantly increases after you drink this carbonated drink.

Sweet sodas harm the body in the following ways:

  • in the first twenty minutes, the concentration of sugar in the blood serum gradually increases, reaching large numbers, after which insulin is released by the cells of the pancreas, to which the liver responds by turning sugar into fat masses;
  • by the fortieth minute caffeine is almost completely absorbed, resulting in dilated pupils, increased blood pressure, release of sugar into the bloodstream by hepatocytes. These body reactions are not hard to observe by performing some nonspecific tests;
  • For the first 45 minutes after drinking the drink, your body produces more dopamine and serotonin, which are hormones of happiness and satisfaction. The effect is similar to that which occurs after taking light drugs;
  • After an hour, the level of glucose in your blood drops significantly to minimum numbers, which causes an irresistible desire for another cup of such a sweet product.

Such constant rises in insulin levels in the body, resulting from regular intake of soda, can lead to insulin resistance, which, in turn, usually leads to either diabetes or cancer.

Many people think that soda helps to quench thirst, so they drink it when it is hot. However, it contains orthophosphoric acid, which on the contrary leads to a dry throat. It turns out that by drinking such a drink, we don’t quench our thirst, but rather increase it even more. A vicious circle develops. In addition, the acid is detrimental to tooth enamel, destroying it and removing from the body the calcium that is so important for it. And this, in turn, leads to the development of osteoporosis and urolithiasis.

On the effect of soda on obesity in children a study was conducted by the British Medical Institute. It found that a twelve-year-old child who regularly consumes sugary carbonated beverages will weigh much more than his peers who do not drink soda in the next few years. Drinking soda every day for even two years increases the risk of developing obesity by more than 50 percent.

As we said, this product greatly increases the concentration of insulin in the blood, which usually leads to chronic disease. One small bottle of sugary soda, drunk daily, increases the risk of developing diabetes by up to 85 percent. In addition, such people are more likely to develop cardiovascular disease, arthritis, arthrosis, gout, dystrophic liver damage, osteoporosis, and cancer.

Giving up sugary carbonated drinks can easily prevent the development of almost all of the above diseases. Giving up these products, you should immediately begin to normalize the level of insulin in the blood. Drink plain clean water or make lemonade at home from natural products, and you will live a long life without suffering from various diseases.