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The benefits of jump rope

Everyone of you has probably heard about the jump rope. This trainer is absolutely accessible in our time, because it has a very low price. Not only that, but you can make it yourself at home.

It is very compact, you can even take it with you. You do not need a lot of space to jump on the rope. This trainer is universal, ideal, because you can exercise on it as in the apartment, and in the park, forest area or at the stadium.

It is important to know how to choose the correct rope for your height. To determine this, you need to find the center of the rope, stand on it with your feet, grasp the handles and pull them up as much as possible. If they are the right size, they should reach somewhere under your armpits. If the rope is longer or shorter than your size, it will not be very comfortable to jump on.

There should be no doubt that skipping rope can be only useful. However, this benefit can be only if you jump regularly and systematically. This activity should be given not just a couple of minutes a day, but at least a half an hour. However, it should be said that the rope not only removes excess fat, it has many more positive effects.

Getting on the rope, you strengthen your cardiovascular system. Skipping rope is included in the bulk of cardio workouts available today, and it applies to people of almost all age groups. But if you have any kind of heart or vascular problem, don’t rush into this kind of exercise. This does not mean, however, that they are contraindicated for you, just before it is necessary to consult with your doctor, who will choose the optimal load for your body.

Jumping rope develops stamina and endurance, as well as a beneficial effect on the functioning of the respiratory system. For people who suffer from shortness of breath after minor physical exertion, this exercise is ideal.

Jumping on this simulator is a kind of shaking up the problem areas (this is especially true for women). Thus, you get a wonderful lymphatic drainage massage. This gets rid of edema, promotes the removal of toxins, and burns fat deposits in problem areas.

Jumping rope brings great health benefits also because they are very effective prevention of varicose veins of the lower limbs. It is connected with a kind of rhythmic massage of the soft tissues of the legs, as well as with the acceleration of blood flow through the veins of the lower limbs, which prevents blood stagnation in the surface veins.

Of course, those who regularly jump rope lose weight quickly, shedding extra pounds. This is not surprising, because in the short period of time during which this exercise is performed, a person loses a huge amount of energy resources (in other words, kilocalories). It is possible to burn about 700 kilocalories of energy in an hour. Such energy is almost comparable to the losses during running.

Many athletes perform jumping rope before other serious exercises. They do this in order to warm up the muscles quickly, as this method is ideal for this. This exercise can be used as a workout every morning to wake up quickly and gain vigor and strength for the day. Basketball players, soccer players, boxers and many other athletes would have incomplete training if they did not do jump rope every day. By performing this exercise, they work on speed, coordination, endurance and attention.

Each of you who have ever tried to jump for at least a few seconds with this projectile knows that it is very difficult to do it without losing rhythm. When you perform this exercise on the rope, a large number of muscles in your body work simultaneously. These include: the calves, back muscles, shoulders, hands, as well as the abdominals and buttocks. In order for the body to develop harmoniously and fully, it is important that the muscles do not function separately, but that they do their work in conjunction with others.